joi, 29 septembrie 2016


Transnational coordinator: EMANUELA POPESCU 

Secondary school Maria Rosetti it's a public school placed in a district of Bucharest with a stable population formed mostly by middle-class families. The school has more than 700 pupils from 6 - 15 years old and 40 teachers; there is a little number of pupils with special needs, migrants, refugees, but has a great number of pupils belonging to different ethnical communities (Armenian, Macedonian, Rroma, Jewish) and different religions (orthodox, Greco-catholic, Romano–catholic, muslins, mosaic and others). All the pupils from our school are perfectly integrated in our school community. 

We have a good experience on management of national and international school projects being partners and coordinators. In the last years we participated in projects with intercultural topic which had a great impact and success in our school in cooperation with different partners from our country or abroad. This project involved a great number of pupils and a lot of activities inside and outside of school. We consider that it is very important and useful to share and exchange our experience by participate in European project with other European schools by sharing the different curricula and methods of teaching and learning. Taking into consideration all our previous projects had great success, the pupils we have now in school and their parents desire to participate in this kind of projects. The school is good at usage of digital equipment and they have quite well success in ICT teaching and learning. Classrooms are also equipped with projectors controlled from a computer or a laptop.

Our school policy is to stimulate the participation of our pupils in curricular and extracurricular activities no matter the ethnical origin, religion, gender, social level. In addition, the pupils should be connected to European pupils' community because in this way they can develop cooperation, friendship, tolerance, communication and information feed-back. They can also develop at the confidence and esteem, speaking up their ideas and listening to the others’ opinions, of understanding the problems of the contemporary world.


National coordinator: AHMET GÜNARSLAN 

Çorlu multi-programme high school in total we have 302 students and 35 teachers. This year we have Erasmus Project and also another project named "Full equipped schools and less dropping off rates" sponsored by Ergene Province.  We have different programmes in school as Anatolian High school and Vocational high school. In Vocational program we have Accounting, Fnancial, Public relations and Logiatic departments. The School's capasity is 1280 students.The school has a wide range of programme specific to area’s needs for young people. Its important approach is to lead to students their talented skills and provide them good Works in their developed profession at school. Students and parents' socio-economic situation - average, most of them present financial stability , only few students with some economic problems. Most of students come from full family unit but often parents work in different cities or even abroad. Hence various problems, for example lack of contact with parents. The project will be supported by parents and their companies, the main school governing body. The project will influence such elements as the development of language competences, getting to know new cultures, tolerance to different people, group work, interpersonal communication, historical and geographical communication, ability to use multimedia effectively. Learning difficulties- apply to small number of students , particularly those who lack the skill of methodical work, interest development or abilities needed to function well in a society.

National coordinatorEVA CARMEN JENSSEN

Møglestu Senior High School, is a combined general and vocational secondary school in a rural part of southern Norway close to a small port town, called Lillesand. It is situated 30 km from Kristiansand which has 80.000 inhabitants. Møglestu has approx. 520 students between the age of 16 and 19, and approx. 110 employees, The school offers general secondary education qualifying students for college and bachelor studies in the universitiy. It offers vocatioal studies in computer and media science, healthservice, caretaking of children and elderly, sales and business, carpentry, food and restaurant subjects, ambulance-service and design and craft-work.  Møglestu has a special departement for disabled and special need children. These childrens goals are mainly to learn basic and practical skills, in order to cope as independent as possible in everyday life.
Møglestu has during the past years had focus on different environmental issues. It has in the same periode of time, raised funds to build a school for disabled children in Sri Lanka.  Lillesand and Norway in general, are facing an increasing challange with young refugees and immigrants, who need shelter, education and friends. Møglestu is trying to find the best way of integrating this group, organize classes, developping new teaching methods , and creating professional and social networks to meet their needs. Møglestu puts high emphasis on individual dignity and organize the new students every year to join a national dignity day. 
Møglestu feels comitted to emphazise international importance and cooperation. It has for several years  joined projects of different intenational character. 

National coordinatorTERESA LESSA SANTOS

FORAVE – ASSOCIAÇÃO PARA A EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL DO VALE DO AVE is a vocational/technical private school located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, one of the most industrialized councils of the Ave Valley, in the North of Portugal. Established in 1990, FORAVE’s main aim is the preparation of qualified young and adult students, who want to acquire or improve skills to answer the demands of the changing world of work in the areas of Company Management, Industrial Maintenance, Electronics and Automation and Food Quality Control. The school is situated in the Ave Valley, a geographical region greatly affected by the economical crisis of the textile companies, once its great source of wealth. Most of the students belong to families with very low incomes and were at risk of giving up school. So, the main aim is the preparation of qualified youngsters, who can answer to the demands of the market and who can live creative, fruitful and successful lives. To reach these goals, FORAVE has established partnerships with the local community/authorities and the local enterprises and associations.
The school takes part in European cooperation activities because it wishes to give students and teachers the opportunity of facing new challenges and of improving their competencies, while being in touch with other countries, languages and cultures. We also wish to raise interest and motivation in all school components; to favor conditions that make innovative teaching/learning strategies possible while  encouraging group work; to improve relationships between the school and the outside organizations connected with it; to better understand young people realities in different contexts; to encourage the use of the new technologies; to enhance the learning of foreign languages and to exchange experiences through which European integration is improved and the school organization is enriched.

National coordinator: SALVATORE DI STEFANO

LICEO SCIENTIFICO “E.MAJORANA” is a secondary general school and our students (700) range from 14 to 19 years old.  In our school there are some students with special needs in perfect harmony with the school that work in class with the other pupils helped by a supplementary teacher.   It is located in a town with 17.000 inhabitants, surrounded by four other similar towns where most of our students originate from. 
Scordia is an agricultural center with one of the most important intensive citrus industries in Italy. The agricultural crisis has increased the economic problems of these towns, giving origin to gigantic phenomena of juvenile unemployment, accompanied by expressions of uneasiness, like scholastic abandonment.  The  school is the only government institute of the town and represents a point of reference, a center of ferment of the social and cultural comparisons of the district.  In the same building there are three different school courses:  
1) Scientific 
2) Human sciences  
3)Foreign languages (French, English, Spanish, Dutch) 
Special attention has been given, by the school, to international activities in the late 20 years. The first Comenius cultural exchange was organized with a school in the Flanders and took place in 1999. Since then hundreds of mobility activities for students and teachers involving partnerships with schools in 12 European countries have been set up successfully. The school is developing a:
-Ka1 project titled “Let's go to Europe” that involved in job shadowing and training course teachers, headteacher and school staff.
Ka2 project titled “How it is to live, study and work in a foreign EU country” focused on apprenticeships in Europe for students after graduation or after university. 
The objectives of the international development plan of the school formalized in the school's educational and training plan are: 
to strengthen the international dimension of education, increasing the ability in understanding and becoming aware of the different  cultures in the countries involved in the project, giving the chance of building networks of international contacts, developing a sense of citizenship and European identity.

National coordinator: THOMAS STRANDQUIST

Tumba gymnasium has 1200 students studying different types of educations. The students that will be involved in this Erasmus project are studying at the social science department at our school.  Our specific focus is on behavioral science. We are working very close together as teachers. We try to connect the different subjects to each other in inter curriculum work. This is one of our biggest strength as a school.  

During the refugee crisis in Europe many NGOs is activating plenty of voluntary work. Many of our student have parents that came to Sweden as refugees themselves and these students have experience of how important voluntary work and NGOs can be. 

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