joi, 19 aprilie 2018

9 - 13.04.2018


This seminar was attended by students from all partner schools, teachers and guests in the local community. The event was also attended by a representative of the local authority, the chariman of the educational board is Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz from the Socialdemocrates.

Impressions of the Turkish student after the exchange of students in SWEDEN

My name is SUDE LEVENT. I am a 9th grade  student in Velimeşe Multi-Programme Anatolian High School. In April 2018, I participated in the TeAchnology in Education Project in our school and it was the most exciting thing that I have done in my life. We  went to Sweden with our project team and participated in many activities in Tumba Gymnasium. It was my first time abroad and I was really excited and amazed throughout the whole project. I learned a lot about many different cultures , I met a lot of amazing people from Portugal, İtaly, Sweden, Romania etc. I learned many interesting things about 3d Technologies and even learned that they can print 3D skulls from the bones they found and reshape the man and woman !!!!  We saw  one of the sculptures from Viking times in a museum. It was really exciting. Stockholm was very big and it had many people all over the world.  I realized that everybody was speaking English very well and it was a must so that you can communicate easily with everyone from different countries. This project contributed to me and my school life a lot and I am looking forward to join to others as soon as possible. 

My name is AYŞENUR KÜFREVİ. I am a 10th grade student. I participated in Stockholm exchange and it was an incredible time for me. I was really curious about Northern countries and when we landed in my heart was beating so hard with excitement. The city was so beautiful , the school was so big and very clean. It had many different departments in it. Even a technology center !!! We went to workshops there about 3D techniques and learned about how 3d materials are creating, etc. Our Swedish hosts vere very friendly and helpful. She introduced us to many people from all over the countries. I was very shy at first and hesitated to speak because I wasn’t very good at speaking but then at the last they we were even making jokes J The lessons we participated was really interesting and  a little different from our schools. There were international classes because the school had many international students. So English was very important. Working with many different people was amazing. I felt so lucky that I was in the project and promised to myself to join more and more projects in the future.
Impressions of Turkish teacher after the exchange of students in SWEDEN

My Name is GÜLER ÇETİN from Velimeşe Multi-programme Anatolian High School and I am one of the teachers participated in the TeAchnology in Education Project. I couldn’t take part in each exchange but the one I had the opportunity was the Swedish exchange. It was very well organized and the hosting school was nice and helpful during the five day we were there. All the teachers I met from all the participant countries were really amazing. I feel incredibly lucky to have met them all and we worked really hard and very collaboratively together. I was not really experienced in project work but learned a lot from each one of you about the subject of the project and also about teaching methodologies and teacher-student communication also. It was a pleasure to spend time and learn with you all. Thank you and hope to meet again in new projects!

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